What You Need to Know About Handicap Handrails

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At Stainless Outfitters Inc., we have been working in metal fabrication for many years. We have the right experience to tackle a wide range of projects, including everything from fabricating parts for maritime vessels to making and installing handrails for stairs.

What You Need to Know About Handicap Handrails

In this article, we will go over some key information you need to know about handicap handrails in order to ensure your building or vessel is accessible.

  • Height Parameters – Canadian regulations for handicap handrails require the rail to be placed a minimum of 900 mm above the stair or ramp nosing, without exceeding a maximum height of 1070 mm. These measurements must be taken from the stair tread or landing nosing to the top of the rail.
  • Clearance – Handicap handrails must also have at least 51 mm of clearance between the rail and the nearest wall, to ensure the user can grasp the rail easily. In addition, handrails must be continually graspable along their whole length, meaning there should be no obstacles or interruptions that force the user to let go.
  • Circumstances – According to Canadian regulations, handicap handrails are required for any set of indoor stairs with three or more risers, and for outdoor stairs with four or more risers. In addition, they are required on any ramp that rises 400 mm or higher.
  • Load – A third parameter for handicap handrails is their load requirements, as the rails need to be able to support the weight of a person leaning on them and other such loads. Your handrails should be able to withstand a concentrated load of 0.9 kN in any direction. Additionally, handrails must handle a uniform load of at least 0.7 kN.